This situation might arise if, e.g.,
.The following SQL leans on the view de.metas.async”.c_queue_overview_v to
retrieve the C_Invoice_Candidate_ID
s and C_Queue_WorkPackage_ID
s in question.
The important thing is to perform all three steps, no matter how you obtained the
respective IDs.
-- note: adapt or drop the WHERE-part with "and IssueSummary='HasChanges'" as required
-- Flag the ICs of the affected workpackages as invalid ("zu Akt.")
INSERT INTO C_Invoice_Candidate_Recompute
FROM "de.metas.async".c_queue_overview_v
WHERE IsError='Y'
AND Processed='N'
AND IssueSummary='HasChanges'
AND qe_table_name='C_Invoice_Candidate'
-- Delete all Locks of the ICs are referenced by affected workpackages
DELETE --select *
AND AD_Table_ID=get_table_id('C_Invoice_Candidate')
AND Record_ID IN (
select QE_Record_ID from "de.metas.async".c_queue_overview_v
where IsError='Y'
AND Processed='N'
AND IssueSummary='HasChanges')
-- Flag the workpackages as processed.
-- Without this, these old workpackages will interfere with the new ones that your
-- user will want to create for the same invoice candidates
UPDATE C_Queue_WorkPackage
SET Processed='Y'
WHERE C_Queue_WorkPackage_ID IN (
select C_Queue_WorkPackage_ID from "de.metas.async".c_queue_overview_v where IsError='Y' AND Processed='N' and IssueSummary='HasChanges'