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How do I generate an ESR testing file?


Prepare the ESR testing file

  1. Start with a text file like this one: ESR-file-how-to.txt

    Note: You can use any text editor to open and edit your file. We do recommend using Notepad++ for its text selection highlighting feature.

    ESR file example


  2. Copy the reference number of your invoice (taken from the database) and paste it above the lower reference number.
  3. Split the reference number using spaces exactly like in the file (see screenshot), to have all those separate parts.
  4. Then select one part in the original file to see which part of the line itself is selected:

    ESR selection

  5. Select the equivalent part of the reference number and copy it over to its corresponding place in the line:

    Copy-paste ESR selection

  6. Repeat this procedure for all other numbers:

    Detect parts by selection and copy-paste to corresponding position

Save the ESR testing file

  1. When you are done preparing the file, copy the lines and paste them to a new file
  2. Important: Remove all white spaces between the numbers to avoid errors!
  3. Give your file a name, e.g., something.v11.

    Remove all spaces and name the ESR testing file


  1. These numbers are not part of the reference number. They define the date when the import shall be done:

    ESR import dates

  2. These numbers can be ignored. Leave them at 0.

    Leave these numbers untouched in the ESR test file

  3. For higher amounts, just go to the left and replace those zeros.

    Note: This procedure is TBV (To Be Verified) as higher amounts haven’t been used for testing before.

    Replace zeros from the left to generate higher amounts

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