Procurement bidding
Testcase to check the procurement bidding process (RfQ or Ausschreibung).
SetUp of RfQ
Make sure P0001 is a Produkt für Lieferanten-Vertrag, used for procurement!
Make sure that at least 1 of the bpartners, has a running flatrate term for procurement for P0001
Also make sure that this bpartner has a user with access to the procurement WebUI, with an email address
The other bpartners need a user with an email address to be used for testing as well
For testing purposes, make sure the DebugMail is set to your own email address!
Create a new entry in Vertragsbedingungen: => Ausschreibung RfQ (select a Vertragsverlängerung which has Vertragslaufzeit = 0; if none exists, create one!)
Make sure you have mail templates for procurement bidding: info, info without qty, winner, loser (if none exist, create them)
Make sure you have the corresponding jasper reports for info, info without qty, winner, loser as well
- Create a new RfQ Topic (Ausschreibungs-Thema) with:
- name: select one you like, e.g. with the name of the product you will test with
- Ausschreibung Art: Procurement
- Vertragsbedingungen: Ausschreibung RfQ
- EMail texts: select Email templates you created
- Email print formats: select the jasper reports
- in tab subscribers, create a line for each of your bpartners G000X, G000Y, G000Z, and set the contact with the email address!
- Create a new RfQ (Ausschreibung) with:
- name: select one you like for testing purposes
- RfQ Topic: select your RfQ Topic
- Ausschreibung Art: Procurement
- Vertragsbedingungen: Ausschreibung RfQ
- Bid start date: date & time when the bidding process begins
- Bid end date: date & time when the bidding will be closed
- Response date: date & time until when the subscribers can send their responses for the bidding
- Workstart date / Complete date: possible date & time for delivery of the qties from the bidding
- line: select P0001 as Lieferprodukt, with the resp. packing item (if there are >1, select one of them), set a qty if you like
- Save RfQ entry, and complete it via Gear: complete RfQ (Ausschreibung fertig stellen)
- => RfQ: Status Completed
- => RfQ Response (Ausschreibung Antwort) is created for your RfQ, status: Drafted
- => Ausschreibung Antwort Position is created for each bpartner, to be filled manually / by WebUI, status: Drafted
- In RfQ, gear, Publish RfQ
- => small window with info about Emails being sent for the RfQ pops up, with the name of your RfQ
- => email with information about the bidding will be sent to the users of your bpartners
- => the WebUI of your bpartners will now include info about the bidding in Preisanfrage
- => RfQ Response (Ausschreibung Antwort), Invited: date of publishing is added
- Check your emails
- => you shall receive the info email for the procurement bidding for each user of your bpartners
- => there are 2 different mail templates for the info, one for when qty is set, and one when not; make sure it’s the correct one for your set up!
- => the attached jaspers include all info for your RfQ (P0001, qty needed etc.) and the info for each bparter (address, user etc.) as well
- If one or more of your bpartners has a procurement flatrate term for P0001, run the Anbauplanung Auswertung Excel now, for the dates covered by the RfQ and P0001
- leave the report(s) open for comparison!
Entry with WebUI
- Open the procurement WebUI for the resp. bpartner(s)
- => new button Preisanfrage (Prix)
- Click Preisanfrage (Prix)
- => line for your RfQ, with P0001 with the resp. PI and the possible dates for delivery (there will be more lines if the bpartner is subscriber of several RfQ Topics / several RfQs of the same topic!)
- Click the line for your RfQ, check info about the bidding process of P0001:
- Product: P0001
- Packing: PI from your RfQ
- From / To: possible dates for delivery (Workstart date / Complete date from RfQ)
- Close: date of end of bidding
- Qty requested: the qty you set (if!) for the required qty
- Price: you can set the price for each bpartner
- Daily quantities: line for each day of the possible dates for delivery
- Set a price for the product for each bpartner, and qties for several of the possible dates (try full amount of CHF, as well as 0,XX or 0.XX; the latter NOT in Firefox!), Enter
- => price is taken as set, as X.XX CHF
- => qty displayed for each possible date as set
Go back to the start page Tägliche Meldung and send your qties (click Senden / Envoyer)
- Open Ausschreibung Antwort Position for each of your bpartners with WebUI:
- => Zusagbar qty in header is overall qty from the qties you sent
- => price is as set in WebUI
- => 1 line in Antwort-Menge for each date you sent qties for, with the resp. date & qty
- In gridmode, you can compare the qties and prices for each bpartner so far (status: Drafted)
Manual entry
Ausschreibung Antwort Position: open single view for the bpartner(s) without WebUI
Enter a price in the header, save
- Add a line for a qty and date for the bidding in Antwort-Menge and save
- => if the selected date is not covered by the possible dates for delivery, you’ll receive an error!
- => qty for Zusagbar in header is updated accordingly
- Add more lines with qty and date for the bidding if you like
- => Zusagbar qty in header will be overall qty
- In gridmode, you can compare the qties and prices for all bpartners (Docstatus: Drafted), from both manual and WebUI entry
Results of RfQ
- Go back to RfQ, Gear, close RfQ (Ausschreibung schließen)
- => bidding is over now
- => the info about the bidding process being closed is sent to the WebUI, as are the qties given by the bpartners
- Open WebUI for your bpartners again, click Preisanfrage
- => the RfQ is not displayed anymore
- Check Ausschreibung Antwort Position for your bpartners
Select 1 or 2 winners, by checking the corresp. box
- Go back to RfQ, refresh
- => summed up qties from Ausschreibung Antwort Position for the winner(s) are displayed (in 1 line)
- Gear, close RfQ results
- => RfQ responses & response lines get closed
- => a flatrate term with Vertragsbedingungen: => Ausschreibung RfQ is created for the winners, status: Drafted
- Gear, Publish RfQ results
- => small window opens with info about responses for RfQ: Emails sent, procurement WebUI
- => procurement candidates are created for the winners: 1 candidate for each line in Ausschreibung Antwort Position
- => email for the winners / losers will be sent with the resp. text (from template), and Jasper attached
- => the flatrate term with Vertragsbedingungen: => Ausschreibung RfQ is completed for the winners
- Check your emails again
- => emails for the winner(s) and loser(s), with the text from the resp. template and the resp. jasper attached
- => if the bpartner is e.g. french, then the text translation of the template was used
- => attached jasper: includes the price you set (jasper for loser has no price included!), and again the qty needed (if there was no required qty in the RfQ, this will be empty)
- Run the Anbauplanung Auswertung Excel again
- => no additional line for the product from the new flatrate term Ausschreibung RfQ
- => the qty from the Ausschreibung Antwort Position is not included in gemeldete Menge, for the resp. month(s)
- Check the procurement candidates
- => only candidates for the winner(s) were created
- => 1 candidate per line in Ausschreibung Antwort Position, with the resp. qty and delivery date
- => if the bpartner has an active flatrate term procurement for the same product, then the price is NOT from this flatrate term, BUT the one from Ausschreibung Antwort Position!
- => in single line view: field Abrechnungssatz: (1st) month which includes the dates for the delivery in RfQ
Open Laufender Vertrag, search for your bpartner(s) who was / were the winner(s)
- Check tab Vertragsperiode
- => new entry with Vertragsbedingungen = Ausschreibung RfQ, status: Completed
- Open the entry with Vertragsbedingungen = Ausschreibung RfQ and its subtab Liefersatz
- => Vertrag autom. verlängern is not checked
- => Anfangsdatum & Enddatum are the dates set for the possible dates for delivery in RfQ
- => Liefersatz: has only 1 line, Period: the one month which includes the dates for delivery in RfQ (if there are possible dates for delivery in 2 months, there will be 2 lines, respectively), with the price and overall qty from Ausschreibung Antwort Position
Go back to the procurement candidate(s) for the winner (or winners)
- Create a purchase order: set a qty TU, save, and click Bestellen, OK
- => purchase order is created
- Check the purchase order
- => price and qty from procurement candidate
- => date promised: as in procurement candidate, the delivery date set in Ausschreibung Antwort Position
Create the receipt(s) for the purchase order(s)
- Run the Anbauplanung Auswertung Excel again
- => no additional line for the product from the new flatrate term Ausschreibung RfQ
- => the qty from the inout is not included in gelieferte Menge, for the resp. month(s)
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