Add field
- Open “Custom data entry - field” from the menu.
- Create a new entry.
- Give the field a Name.
Note: The field name will be displayed in the appropriate place in the section line.
- In the field Line, enter part of the (system internal) name of the section containing the line where you want the field to appear and click on the matching result in the drop-down list.
Note 1: The line sequence number is found at the end of the result.
Note 2: In case of multiple fields for the same section line you can specify their order via the field SeqNo.
- Pick a Datentyp (Data type), e.g., Date, List, Long text, Number, Text or Yes-No.
Note: When choosing the data type List you also have to add list items that can be suggested and selected in the list later on (see below).
- Optional: Enter a Description into the text box provided.
Note: This description will be shown in a tooltip.
- Optional: Tick the checkbox Pflichtangabe (Mandatory) if you want the field to be mandatory.
- Clear the checkbox Available in API if you do not want this field to be available to external applications via metasfresh API.
- Pick a Data protection category, e.g., Not personal, Personal or Sensitive personal.
Add list items (data type: List)
- Go to the record tab “Entry field value” at the bottom of the page and click
. An overlay window opens up.
- Give the list item a Name.
- Optional: Enter a Description into the text box provided.
Note: This description will be shown in a tooltip.
- Click “Done” to close the overlay window and add the list item to the list.
Note 1: Repeat steps 1 to 4 to add further list items.
Note 2: In case of multiple list items you can specify their order via the field SeqNo.
Next Step (optional)
Overview of the fields
Data Type |
Example |
Date |
List |
Long text |
Number |
Text |
Yes-No |
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