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How do I convert UOMs?


If a product’s stock-keeping UOM does not match its sales UOM, you have to define a UOM conversion.

For instance:

You keep strawberries with the stock-keeping UOM “kilograms” in your inventory but you sell them in clamshells of 250g, so with the sales UOM “each”.

1 kilogram of strawberries can be distributed into 4 clamshells of 250g each (apiece).
1 clamshell therefore contains 0.25 kg of strawberries.


  1. Open the entry of an existing product or add a new one.
  2. Go to the record tab “UOM Conversion” at the bottom of the page and click "Add new". An overlay window opens up.
  3. The field UOM specifies the source UOM and must be identical to the product’s stock-keeping UOM, e.g., here “kilograms”.
  4. The field Target UOM specifies the UOM to convert into, e.g., here “piece”.
  5. The field Factor from Target UOM specifies the value by which to multiply the amount in the source UOM to obtain the corresponding amount in the target UOM (i.e. 1 source = ? target).
    Example: 1 kg × 4 = 4 pieces.
  6. The field Factor to Target UOM specifies the value by which to multiply the amount in the target UOM to obtain the corresponding amount in the source UOM (i.e. 1 target = ? source).
    Example: 1 piece × 0.25 = 0.25 kg.

    Note: Upon entering one of the values, the other will be calculated automatically.

  7. Tick the checkbox Target is catch UOM, if the catch weight of weight-dependent products is to be used for invoicing.
  8. Click “Done” to close the overlay window and add the conversion to the list.

    Note: Repeat steps 2 to 8 to add further conversions.


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