Phone call schedules are created based on the settings of the phone call schema versions. Depending on these settings, e.g., on which days, with what frequency (weekly/monthly) and at which call times can the contact be reached, the phone call schedules are created automatically for the time period selected in the phone call schema.
- Add a phone call schema.
- Add a phone call schema version for that schema.
- Open “Phone Call Schema” from the menu.
- From the list view, select the phone call schema you want to use for creating a phone call schedule.
- Start the action “Create Phone Call Schedules”. An overlay window opens up.
Note: You will also find this action in the actions menu in the detailed view of an entry.
- Set a Date from and a Date To in order to specify the period for which the schedules shall be created.
- Click “Start” to create the schedules and close the overlay window.
- Open the entry of the phone call schema and use the related documents to jump into the window “Phone Call Schedule” (under CRM in the sidebar).
- In this window you can view the newly created phone call schedule and keep it updated.
Next Steps

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