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How do I specify contractual terms?


  1. Open “Contract Terms” from the menu.
  2. Create a new entry.
  3. Give the contractual terms a Name.
  4. Pick a Contract Type, e.g., Subscription, Commission or Procurement contract.
  5. If available, in the field Pricing System, enter a part of the desired pricing system and click on the matching result in the drop-down list.
  6. In the field Contract Transition, set a contract period.
  7. In the field Invoice Rule, pick a time for invoicing, e.g., Immediate or After Delivery.
  8. In the field When extending contract, pick a method to determine the prices for subsequent contracts, e.g., Calculate prices from master data or Copy prices from predecessor.
  9. Complete the document.


GIF: How to specify contractual terms

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