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How do I configure a shipper?


metasfresh currently offers interfaces for shipping with the following service providers (shippers):


  1. Open “Shipper” from the menu.
  2. Open the entry of an existing shipper in the detailed view, e.g., “DPD”.
  3. Enter the Tracking URL provided to you by the shipping service.
  4. Go to the record tab of the respective shipper (e.g., “DPD Configuration”) at the bottom of the page and click "Add new". An overlay window opens up.

DHL Configuration

  1. In the field DHL API URL, enter the URL for logging on to the DHL API.
  2. Enter the Application ID provided by DHL for setup.
  3. Enter the Application Token provided by DHL for setup.
  4. Enter the Account Number provided by DHL for setup.
  5. Enter the Username for account login.
  6. In the field Signature, enter the password for account login.
  7. Click “Done” to close the overlay window and add the configurations to the list.

DPD Configuration

  1. In the field Login Api Url, enter the URL for login and authentication against the DPD API.
  2. In the field Shipment Service Api Url, enter the URL for accessing the shipping interface used to generate the shipping labels.
  3. Enter the Delis ID provided by DPD for setup.
  4. Enter the Delis Password provided by DPD for setup.
  5. Pick a Paper Format for the shipping labels.
  6. Click “Done” to close the overlay window and add the configurations to the list.
Important note:
The following DPD services are currently available:
• DPD CLASSIC (in Germany and throughout Europe)
• DPD EXPRESS E12 (within Germany)

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