#387 Purchase Order generation in Procurement Candidates not to be grouped by user
Testcase to check if the purchase order generation in procurement candidates is not grouped by user.
Note: RfQ in general is documented in Testcase_Fresh-402
Make sure the Set Up for your testing is ok according to the testcase above (emails etc.)
Create an RfQ Topic (Ausschreibungs-Thema), with each of G000X’s users set in tab Subscribers
- Create the RfQ Ausschreibung, for P0001, complete, publish etc.
- => 1 Ausschreibung Antwort Position for each of G000X’s users is created
- Create manual entries in each Ausschreibung Antwort Position for each user, same price for each:
- create 1 for the same date, for each user
- create 1 with a different date, for each user
- Select the Ausschreibung Antwort Positionen of all users of G000X as winners, close the RfQ, the results, publish them
- => procurement candidates for each line in each of the Ausschreibung Antwort Positionen is created
- Open the created procurement candidates:
- => 3 for the same date, all other data the same (price, PI, warehouse etc.)
- => 3 for a different date, but all other data the same, see above
- In each procurement candidate, set QtyToOrder: 1, save, create the purchase orders by clicking Bestellen
- => info: 4 purchase orders are created
- Check the purchase orders:
- => 1 order for 3 TUs, for the procurement candidates that had the same date set, not different orders because of different users
- => 3 orders for 1 TU each, for the 3 different dates
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