Processes can be created in two ways: via the Java client (see steps below) or via the WebUI.
Setup Steps for Java Client
Log in and create a new process
- Log in to the desired Java back-end instance with the user role “System Administrator”.
- Open Report & Process from the menu.
Click on
to create a new process.

Set up the process (Report & Process Tab)
- Search Key: This is the internal search name and must be unique.
- Name: This is the name that will be displayed in the actions menu.
- Active: Must be enabled for the process to appear in the actions menu.
- Entity Type: This is the dictionary entry type determining mapping, ownership and synchronization.
- Data Access Level: Specifies who has access to this process and who can use it.
- Type: Defines the validation of the process type.

Report Access Tab
Here you can enter the access rights for the roles.

To add a parameter click add new
and the advanced edit with the following parameters will open up.
In this advanced edit you can enter:
- Name, Description, Comment/Help: Contain information and help about the parameter needed to enter. The name and description are visible to the user.
- Entity Type: Shows what Entity Type the parameter is.
- Sequence: The way all parameters are ordered (usually in steps like 10, 20, 30, etc.)
- DB Column Name: Defines how the column is named.
- System Element: The system element can be selected from the already existing system elements and also prefills Name, DB Column Name, Description and Comment.
- Reference, Reference Key: Shows the type of parameter and optionally a key if the data is in a table or list.
- Mandatory: If this checkbox is ticked, the user must enter information and cannot leave it blank.
- Default Logic: Defines what value should be selected as default. See also: How to provide the result of an SQL to a user by running a process.

Assigned to tables
- Process: Designation of the process.
- Table: The table to which the process is applied.
- Entity Type: The dictionary entry type. It determines ownership and synchronization.

Optional Translations
If you want to add translations
Activate the translation tabs.

After restarting your Java client, the translation subtabs Report Translation and Parameter Translation should be visible under “Report & Processes”.

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