- Open the entry of a completed purchase order.
- Jump to “Material Receipt Candidates”.
Receive goods
- Select the order lines you want to list as received goods.
- Start the quick action “Receive CUs”. An overlay window, the “HU Editor”, opens up.
Note: If the product has packing instructions, these will appear on the quick actions button.
Receive goods with serial numbers (optional)
- Select the line of the HU to be received in the form of individual products with serial numbers.
- Start the quick action “Add CUs with Serial Numbers”. An overlay window opens up.
- In the field SerialNo, enter the serial number of the received HU. Multiple serial numbers can be recorded using line breaks (
⇧ Shift
+ ↵ Enter
- Click “Start” to close the overlay window and generate the serial HUs.
Create goods receipt
- Select the received HUs.
- Confirm received goods with the button
- Click “Done” to close the “HU Editor”.
- You will receive a notification
in the upper right corner about the successful creation of the goods receipt.
Next Steps

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