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How do I configure currency exchange rates?


If you want to work with currencies other than your default currency, you have to configure an exchange rate for the conversion.

You used the initial setup wizard to set your metasfresh system to USD, but you also want to work with EUR.


  1. Open “Currency Rate” from the menu.
  2. Add a new currency rate.
  3. Select a base currency (Currency) and a counter currency (Currency To), e.g., USD to EUR.

    Note: Each exchange rate must be configured separately, e.g., USD to EUR, EUR to USD, etc.

  4. Enter either the factor to Multiply Rate by or the divisor to Divide Rate by.

    Note: The other operand will be automatically calculated, respectively.

  5. Select Spot as the Currency Type.
  6. Set a Valid from date.

    Note: If this date lies in the past, the currency rate will be effective immediately. If it lies in the future, the currency rate will only be effective from that date.

  7. metasfresh saves the progress automatically.

    Note: Repeat steps 2 to 6 to set up further currency conversions, e.g., EUR to USD.

Error Message

If the currency conversion is not configured correctly, an error message will appear when creating a goods receipt or an invoice that looks like this:

... Unable to convert from currency $ ... to currency € ...


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