If in the course of creating a sales order or a purchase order you realize that the entry of the business partner in question does not yet exist in metasfresh, you can easily quick create it from that very window.
In the field Business Partner (Sales Order) or Delivery from (Purchase Order), enter part of the missing partner’s name. A drop-down list opens up.

- Click on the option New Business Partner. An overlay window for the quick creation opens up.
- Select a Greeting.
- Fill in the fields Firstname and Lastname.
- Optional: Fill in the fields Email Address and Phone.
- If the business partner is a company, tick the checkbox Company and fill in the field Company Name. Otherwise, clear the checkbox and enter the partner’s Name.
- Select a Business Partner Group.
- Select the partner’s preferred Language for communication.
- Click on the
button to add an Address.
- Enter the Street & House No., ZIP code, City and Country of the partner.
Note: If you choose “United States” as country, you can also enter the Region. Simply close and re-open the address editing window by clicking the edit button twice and the field will appear above Country.
- Optional: Depending on the type of business relationship, tick the checkbox Customer and/or Vendor. Then pick a (PO) Payment Term and a (Purchase) Pricing System.
- Click “Done” to save the new business partner, close the overlay window and continue editing your sales order or purchase order.
Note: |
You will find the newly created business partner entry under “Business Partner” in the menu. |

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