1. Understand the task
- Get access to the latest version of metasfresh.
- Test a feature documented in the German manual first.
- Report any feedback by creating a new issue on GitHub if the documentation needs to be updated.
- Switch metasfresh to English.
- Test the same feature in English.
- Report any feedback on GitHub if fields are missing translation or the documentation needs to be updated.
- Repeat steps 2 to 6 for as many features as you want to test.
- Download and install GitHub Desktop.
- Download, install and configure Atom Editor.
3. Prepare Repository
- Github Desktop: clone metasfresh/metasfresh-documentation to your local disk
- switch to the gh-pages branch
- create a branch with the name gh70 (gh+ issue number)
4. Develop translation
- open atom and duplicate existing .md file
- create an english translation manual in markdown language
5. Commit your changes
- commit the new file using:
- commit title: #
<title of issue>
- commit description: #
and desribe your changes
- create a pull request for review
- the Pull request will take title and description from your last commit
- make sure #
is in description to link the PR with the issue
Further Reading
View source file on GitHub.com