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WebUI How-Tos and Tutorials
A Beginner's Guide to metasfresh
Quick Start (Basic WebUI Features)
Keyboard Shortcuts Reference
Basics and Concepts
Multitenancy Concept
How does the Packaging and Container Management as part of the Handling Unit System work?
How does the material schedule work? (Materials management in metasfresh ERP)
Functional Modules
Responsive Mobile App
Unique window URLs
Real-time window update
How do I change the interface language?
How do I configure my company data (Initial Setup Wizard)?
How do I change my login password? (Forgot password / Reset password)
How do I change the notification type in metasfresh?
How do I add a new print format?
How do I create a boilerplate?
How do I add new organizations?
How do I set the time zone for an organization?
Printer & PDF Routing
How do I set up a printer? (or: How to save PDFs to a server)
How do I configure a logical printer?
How do I configure a PDF printer?
How do I allocate logical and physical printers?
How do I allocate logical and physical printer trays?
User and Roles
How do I add a new user?
How do I create a system user?
How do I assign a user role to a system user?
How do I create a new user role?
How do I assign a business partner to a user?
How do I set a maximum limit on the search results of a user?
How do I obtain an authentication token?
How do I create a user group?
How do I enable the user login as host key for printing?
Data Access Permissions
How do I grant and revoke data access for users?
How do I set up access to the record permissions management features? (System Administrator)
How do I log in?
How do I see if my changes were saved?
How do I select entries/lines?
How do I set bookmarks in the menu?
How do I activate and deactivate entries?
How do I start an action? (Action Types)
How do I open the PDF print preview of a document?
How do I clone document data?
How do I use the filtering function in metasfresh?
How do I create custom filters?
Geographical Data and Functions
What is the final document address composed of?
How do I add new cities along with country and postal code?
Area Search
How do I use the area search feature in metasfresh?
How do I set up a geocoding service for the area search?
How do I update the georeferenced data for area search?
How do I use the menu?
How do I switch between the view modes?
How do I jump to related documents?
How do I jump to the content of a field?
How do I use the context menu to jump to related windows?
How do I open the advanced edit menu in a record tab?
How do I zoom into a table field?
How do I create a trial balance?
Where can I find an overview of all unbooked documents?
Accounting Data Export (DATEV)
How do I export accounting data? (DATEV Export)
How do I enable collective bills for customers?
How do I subsequently change the bill-to information of an invoice?
How do I void an invoice?
How do I record invoice-specific document texts?
Credit Notes and Adjustment Charges
How do I create a credit note in response to price differences after invoicing?
How do I create a credit note in response to quantity differences after invoicing?
How do I create a subsequent debit note in response to price differences after invoicing?
How do I create a subsequent debit note in response to quantity differences after invoicing?
How do I create a vendor credit note?
How do I perform a dunning run? (Create Dunning Documents)
How do I attach invoice documents to a dunning letter?
How do I set up dunning?
How do I set up outbound documents for dunning?
How do I define a dunning type?
How do I link a dunning type to a partner?
Receivables and Payables
Where can I find an overview of all matchable invoices?
Incoming Payments (Accounts Receivable)
How do I post a payment against a single invoice?
How do I apply a single payment against multiple invoices?
How do I reverse a posted payment transaction?
How do I create a sales quotation?
How do I convert a quotation into a sales order?
How do I manage opportunities?
Phone Call Scheduling
How do I schedule phone calls by means of call lists in metasfresh?
How do I create automatic phone call schedules?
How do I mark a contact as called?
How do I create a sales order while on the phone with the customer?
How do I filter a phone call schedule by created sales orders or called contacts?
How do I add a phone call schema?
How do I add a phone call schema version?
Contract Management
How do I create a subscription contract?
How do I extend a contract?
How do I terminate a contract?
How do I terminate a single contract term?
How do I pause a contract?
How do I create a shipment for a contract?
How do I change the recipient of a subscription?
Commission Contracts
How do I conclude a commission contract?
How do I enter a margin agreement between a sales partner and a customer?
How do I specify the commission conditions?
How do I specify the contractual terms for commission contracts?
How do I assign a price to commission points?
Framework Contracts
How do I conclude a framework contract?
How do I terminate a framework contract?
How do I add a product for call-off orders?
How do I specify the transition conditions for framework contracts?
How do I specify the contractual terms for framework contracts?
How do I specify contractual terms?
How do I specify the time frame conditions of a contract?
Counter Documents
Counter Documents – Overview
How do I allocate two products to each other for counter documents?
How do I remove the allocation between two products? (Counter Documents)
How do I configure the document types of counter documents?
Customer Service
Complaints Handling
How do I handle customer returns?
How do I process returned products in need of repair (warranty cases)?
How do I receive returned products in need of repair?
How to start a new repair project
How do I record my work efforts for manufacturing order?
How do I create an estimate for repair services performed?
How do I close a repair project?
How is the document type defined for repair service returns?
Data Management
Data Export
How do I export selected data entries?
Product Data Export
How do I export product data into an *.xls file?
Data Import
Data Import to metasfresh
How do I add an import format?
How do I add a new data import entry?
Useful tips for creating an import file (*.csv and *.txt)?
How do I add custom format fields to an import format? (System Administrator)
Bank Statement Data Import
Format example for importing bank statement data
How do I import bank statement data?
Business Partner Data Import
Format example for importing business partner data
How do I import business partner data?
Chart of Accounts Data Import
Format example for importing chart of accounts data
How do I import chart of accounts data?
Custom Data Entry Import
Format example for importing custom data entries
How do I import custom data entries?
Discount Schema Data Import
Format example for importing discount schemas
How do I import discount schemas?
Postal Data Import
Format example for importing postal data
How do I import postal data?
Product Data Import
Format example for importing product data
How do I import product data?
Replenishment Data Import
Format example for importing replenishment data
How do I import replenishment data?
User Data Import
Format example for importing user data
How do I import user data?
Data Input
How do I add a new data entry in a window?
How do I add a new data entry under a record tab?
Custom Data Input
How do I add a custom record tab?
How do I add sections to a subtab?
How do I add fields to the section lines of a subtab?
Multilingual Data Management
How do I translate data entries?
How do I manage document texts in multiple languages?
Document Management
How do I complete a document?
Document Sequence Numbers
How do I define a new document sequence?
How do I customize document sequence numbers?
How do I set an order reference line as document number for subsequent documents?
How do I assign a specific document sequence to a document type?
Document Types
How do I define a new document type?
Edit Documents
How do I place manual text on documents?
How do I place manual text at the beginning and end of documents?
File Attachments
How do I upload file attachments to my documents?
How do I add URLs as attachments to my documents?
How do I grant/withdraw deletion rights for file attachments?
Emails and Outbound Documents
How do I send an email from metasfresh?
How do I send outbound documents via email?
How do I change the email recipient under "Outbound Documents"?
How do I add a new email template?
How do I configure outbound documents?
How do I set up a mailbox for outbound documents?
How do I set up email server routing for outbound documents?
How do I set up one single email address for all outbound documents for testing purposes? (System Administrator)
How do I troubleshoot a failed email transmission of an outbound document?
Empties Management
Empties Receipts
How do I receive inbound empties?
How do I reverse an empties receipt?
Empties Returns
How do I return empties?
How do I reverse an empties return?
Tour Planning
How do I schedule delivery tours in metasfresh?
How do I create automatic tour lists?
How do I add a tour scheduling schema?
How do I add a tour version?
How do I create a marketing platform?
How do I create a marketing campaign?
How do I add contacts to a marketing campaign?
How do I synchronize a marketing campaign with a marketing platform?
Serial Letters
How do I create serial letters in metasfresh?
How do I set up the serial letter feature in metasfresh?
How do I set up outbound documents for the serial letter feature?
Master Data
Bank and Account Data
How do I configure IBANs? (System Administrator)
Bill of Materials (BOM)
How do I create a bill of materials (BOM)?
How do I create a bill of materials version (BOM version)?
How do I add BOM components?
How do I verify a bill of materials (BOM)?
How do I set up automatic BOM creation upon sales order generation from a quotation?
How do I automatically create a bill of materials upon sales order generation from a quotation?
Business Partner
How do I add a new business partner?
How do I quick create a new business partner?
How do I add an address for a business partner?
How do I link a business partner to a user? (Add contact information)
How do I add qualifying attributes to a business partner?
How do I record additional tooltip information about a business partner?
Business Partner Group
How do I add a new business partner group?
Business Relations
How do I add a new customer?
How do I add a new vendor?
Customer Retention
How can I tell the retention status of a customer (New customer/Regular customer)?
Credit Limit
Which credit status types does metasfresh provide?
How do I manage the credit status of a business partner?
How do I manage the credit status of a business partner group?
How do I set a credit limit for a business partner?
How do I request approval for a credit limit?
How do I confirm a request for approval of a credit limit?
How do I add a new credit limit type?
How do I add a new calendar?
How do I add new calendar periods?
How do I add a new currency?
How do I configure currency exchange rates?
How do I activate a currency?
How do I add a new product?
How do I assign a price to a product?
How do I link a product to a business partner?
How do I set a current vendor for a product?
How do I add a grouping product?
How do I create a service product?
How do I add a temporary promotional price for a product?
Packing Instructions
How do I allocate a product to a transport unit (packing instructions)?
How do I tie packing instructions to a price?
How do I set up packing material?
How do I create new packing instructions?
Product Category
How do I add a new product category?
How do I set a parent product category?
Product Description
How do I manage partner-specific products?
How do I record a general product description?
How do I record an order line-specific product description?
Product Labels
How do I create a product label with custom data?
Product Proposals
How do I open the product proposals list?
How do I enter a sales/purchase order using product proposals?
How do I edit product prices and price lists via product proposals?
How do I add products to a price list via product proposals?
How do I remove products from a price list via product proposals?
How do I compare product prices via product proposals?
Sales & Purchasing Block on Products
How do I block products for sales and purchasing?
Units of Measure (UOMs)
How do I convert UOMs?
Warehouse Management
How do I add a new warehouse?
How do I add a new warehouse type?
How do I add an empty container depot?
How do I add a quality issue warehouse?
How do I take inventory? (or: How to create Handling Units)
How do I dispose of handling units that are intended for internal use?
How do I reverse an internal use posting?
Inventory Movement
How do I set up an automatic distribution network for empty containers?
How do I move inventory items to another warehouse?
Material Cockpit / Trading Desk
What is the Material Cockpit?
How do I check the highest purchase prices for a specific period? (System Administrator)
Materials Management
Material Schedule
How do I set up product planning?
What is the difference between a pricing system and a price list?
Price Campaign
How do I run a special price promotion?
How do I authorize customers to participate in special price promotions?
Price Definition
How do I define prices?
How do I add a pricing system?
How do I add a price list?
How do I add a price list version?
How do I add a price?
How do I assign price lists to a single partner (customer/vendor)?
How do I assign price lists to a business partner group?
How do I add products to a price list?
How do I clone product prices?
Price List Schemas (Copy Product Prices)
How do I copy prices and products from one price list version to another?
How do I update customer price lists derived from base price lists?
How do I create a price list schema?
How do I add rules to a price list schema?
Pricing Conditions
Pricing conditions in metasfresh
Discount types in metasfresh
How do I give discounts on individual products (order line discounts)?
How do I copy discount lines from one discount schema into another?
Compensation Groups
How do I give discounts/surcharges on compensation groups (order line group discounts)?
Configuration (Discount Schema)
How do I set up automatic volume discounts (tiered discounts)?
How do I create a discount schema?
How do I link a discount schema to a business partner?
Enhanced Pricing
How do I manage product and partner-specific prices?
Value-Added Tax (VAT)
How do I add a new tax rate?
Project Management
How do I create a new project?
How do I add a new project type?
How do I enter a purchase order?
How do I create a goods receipt for my purchase order?
How do I create a purchase invoice for my order?
How do I generate a sales order-related purchase order?
How do I create a purchase order for selected products from a sales order?
How do I change the place of unloading for incoming goods?
Call-Off Orders
How do I create a call-off order?
How do I enter a sales order?
How do I create a shipment for a sales order?
How do I create an invoice for a sales order?
How do I void a sales order along with all related documents?
How do I find out the short-term availability of products in sales orders?
Catch Weight Management
How do I process sales orders with weight-dependent products? (Catch Weight Management)
Compensation Groups
How do I create manual compensation groups?
How do I create automatic compensation groups?
How do I set up automatic compensation grouping for product categories?
How do I add a compensation group schema?
How do I link a compensation group schema to a product category?
Order Checkups
How do I generate order checkups?
How do I activate automatic order checkups? (System Administrator)
Order Picking (Picking Terminal)
How do I pick a sales order for shipments using handling units? (Picking Terminal)
How do I create a shipment with picked quantities?
How do I pick a sales order for shipping? (Picking Terminal v2)
How do I toggle the display of the expiration date in the Picking Terminal (v2)? (System Administrator)
PayPal Plus
How do I use PayPal as payment rule for sales orders?
How do I set up PayPal Plus for metasfresh?
Sales Partners
How do I add a new sales partner?
How do I assign a sales partner to customers?
How do I enter a commission-based sales order?
How do I create a commission settlement?
How do I automatically set the date promised in an order to a certain number of days after the order date? (System Administrator)
How do I create a sales order for shipping?
How do I set up a default shipper for customers?
Shipping and Freight Costs
How do I enter a sales order with fixed shipping costs?
How do I set up shipping and freight costs?
How do I set up flat shipping rates?
How do I configure customers for shipping costs?
Transport Orders and Shippers
How do I create a transport order?
How do I configure a shipper?
System Administration
How do I create a process (menu action)? (System Administrator)
How do I create a manufacturing order?
How do I produce a product?
Workflow - Purchase Order to Invoice
Workflow - Sales Order to Invoice
Workflow - Sales Order to Invoice with Delivery Order
Workflow - Shops to Invoice
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