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How do I add a new warehouse?


Create a Warehouse

  1. Open “Warehouse” from the menu.
  2. Add a new warehouse.
  3. Give the warehouse a Name, e.g., “Empty Container Depot”.
  4. Depending on the version build, one of the following steps may apply:
  5. Pick a Manufacturing Plant, if available.

    Note: Manufacturing plants are required for product planning and automatic order checkups.

  6. Optional: Pick a Warehouse Type.

Add a Storage Location

  1. Go to the record tab “Locator” at the bottom of the page and click "Add new". An overlay window opens up.
  2. In each of the fields Aisle, Rack, Level and Tray enter the value 0.
  3. Click “Done” to close the overlay window and add the storage place to the list.

Warehouse Assignment

Here you can select the Document Base Types for which the warehouse shall be used, e.g., Sales Order, Purchase Order, Inventory, Material Receipt, etc.

  1. Go to the record tab “Lagerzuordnung” (Warehouse Assignment) at the bottom of the page and click "Add new". An overlay window opens up.
  2. Select a Document Base Type, e.g., Sales Order.
  3. Click “Done” to close the overlay window and add the document base type to the list.

    Note: You can assign any number of document base types to a warehouse. As an example, please take a look at the warehouse entry “Main Warehouse”, which is already configured appropriately.


GIF: How to add a new warehouse

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