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How do I add a new business partner?


  1. Open “Business Partner” from the menu.
  2. Add a new business partner.
  3. The Search Key is an automatically assigned serial number. However, if required, it can also be assigned manually instead.
  4. If the business partner is a company, tick the checkbox Company and fill in the field Company Name. Otherwise, clear the checkbox and enter the partner’s Name.

    Note: The (Company) Name is restricted to 60 characters.

  5. Select a Business Partner Group, e.g., Machine Supplier.
  6. Select the partner’s preferred Language for communication.
  7. Optional: Enter a URL on the right, e.g., the partner’s website.

    Note: Make sure that the URL begins with the Internet protocol acronym (e.g., https://). Click on the link icon on the right to open the web page.

  8. Turn the business partner into a customer and/or vendor.
  9. Add one or more addresses.
  10. metasfresh saves the progress automatically.

Optional Steps

  1. Set the desired Organization. To do so, enter part of the organization’s name into the field and click on the matching result in the drop-down list.
  2. Add some appropriate attributes that will help you find the business partner more quickly when using the filtering function.
  3. Link the business partner to a pricing system.
  4. Add contact information, i.e. link the business partner to a user.
  5. Record additional tooltip information about the business partner.


GIF: Add a new business partner

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