In metasfresh, you can create projects and manage them clearly. Apart from general project-related data such as project type, status and members, you can also record and plan individual tasks and procedures as well as keep an eye on their statuses. This way you are always up to date and can keep track of any pending responsibilities.
Create a new project
- Open “Project” from the menu.
- Add a new project.
- Pick a Project Type (Projekt - Projektart).
- Give the project a Name.
- Pick a Project Status, e.g., Planung (Planning).
- Optional: Enter a Description of the project into the text box provided.
- In the field Business Partner (Geschäftspartner), enter part of the name or number of the business partner involved in the project and click on the matching result in the drop-down list.
- In the field Sales Representative pick the name of the responsible company representative.
- In the field Datum Auftragseingang (Order received date), set the date on which the project order was received.
- In the field Projektabschluss (Project completion), set the agreed date until which the project is to be completed.
Record project tasks
- Go to the record tab “Vorgänge” (Procedures/Tasks) at the bottom of the page and click
. An overlay window opens up.
- Set a Date on/until which the task is to be performed.
- Pick a Request Type, e.g., Email or Phone call.
- Set the Status of the task, e.g., offen (open) or erledigt (done).
- Enter a Summary description of the task.
- In the field Sales Representative pick the name of the responsible company representative.
- Click “Done” to close the overlay window and add the task to the list.
Note: You can add more tasks this way, if required.
Record project members
- Go to the record tab “Projektkontakt” (Project Contacts) at the bottom of the page and click
. An overlay window opens up.
- In the field Business Partner, enter part of the name or number of the business partner involved in the project and click on the matching result in the drop-down list.
- Pick a Ansprechpartner (Contact Partner) for this business partner.
- Optional: Enter a Description.
- Pick a Projektrolle (Project Role), e.g. Project Manager or Project Team Member.
- Click “Done” to close the overlay window and add the project member to the list.
Note: You can add more project members this way, if required.
- metasfresh saves the progress automatically.
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