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How do I enter a purchase order?


  1. Open “Purchase Order” from the menu.
  2. Create a new purchase order.
  3. Optional: Set the desired Organization at the bottom right. To do so, enter part of the organization’s name into the field and click on the matching result in the drop-down list.
  4. In the field Delivery from, enter part of the vendor name or number and click on the matching result in the drop-down list.

    Note: If the required partner does not appear in the list, you can add them through quick create.

  5. Select a Pricing System, if the vendor is not yet linked to a pricing system.
  6. The field Date specifies the date on which the order was placed.
  7. The field Date Promised specifies the date on which the service is to be performed, i.e. the shipment is to be expected.
  8. metasfresh saves the progress automatically.

Add Order Lines

  1. Go to the record tab “PO Line” at the bottom of the page and click "Batch entry" to open the fast order line input.

    Note: Use shortcut Alt + Q / ⌥ alt + Q.

  2. In the field Product, enter part of the product name or number and click on the matching result in the drop-down list.

    Note: Use the product proposals list to view all products available on the current price list and, if necessary, add a selection of them to the purchase order.

  3. Enter a Quantity.

    Note: Use the mouse or Tab ↹ key to go to the field.

  4. Hit ↵ Enter to add the line to the order.

    Note: Repeat steps 2 to 4 until you have recorded all order items.

Complete the Order

  1. Complete the order.
  2. Open the PDF preview.

Next Steps


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