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How do I enter a sales/purchase order using product proposals?


The product proposals list serves to gain an overview of all products on a currently valid price list. Likewise it can be used to quickly and easily compare the prices at which a specific product from the price list is traded with other business partners. Moreover, it is possible to add new products to or remove deprecated ones from a price list, even while entering a sales order or purchase order.

In order to use the product proposals list to enter a sales order or purchase order, please proceed as follows:


Enter a sales order

  1. Open the product proposals list in a sales order.
  2. Pick out the product of your choice from the product proposals and enter a quantity into the field in the column Quantity.
    Hit ↵ Enter to apply.

    Note: Repeat this procedure for further products you want to add to the sales order.

  3. Optional: Adjust the product price by double-clicking the field in the column Price and entering a different value.
    Hit ↵ Enter to apply.
  4. Click “Done” to close the product proposals list and add the selected products with the entered quantity to the order lines.
  5. Continue with the remaining steps of creating a sales order.

Enter a purchase order

  1. Open the product proposals list in a purchase order.
  2. Pick out the product of your choice from the product proposals and enter a quantity into the field in the column Quantity.
    Hit ↵ Enter to apply.

    Note: Repeat this procedure for further products you want to add to the purchase order.

  3. Optional: Adjust the product price by double-clicking the field in the column Price and entering a different value.
    Hit ↵ Enter to apply.
  4. Click “Done” to close the product proposals list and add the selected products with the entered quantity to the order lines.
  5. Continue with the remaining steps of creating a purchase order.

Next Steps (optional)


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