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How do I translate data entries?


In metasfresh, you can autonomously translate a lot of your data into the languages of your business partners, for both internal and external data management.

Currently, you can translate the data entries of the following menu items:

The moment you add a new data entry, multilingual entries will be created in the respective translation windows in the menu where you can then edit your translations.

If, for example, you add a new product, you can edit its translation entries under “Product Translation” in the menu.

When you change your interface language and create a sales order, for example, the product name will be displayed in the respective language when adding the products.

Or when you print commercial documents for business partners who speak another language, the product name will then appear in their respective languages on these documents.


Open the translation entry

a) Via the navigation menu

  1. Open the translation window of the entry in question from the menu, e.g., “Product Translation”.
  2. Use the filter to find the entry for which you want to add a translation. There is one entry for each available language (see column Language).

b) Jumping from the entry via the sidebar

If you are already looking at the entry you want to translate, e.g., a product entry, you can take the following steps:

  1. Use the entry’s related documents to jump into the corresponding translation window, e.g., “Product Translation” under PRODUCT MANAGEMENT in the sidebar.
  2. In this window you will see all translation entries for the selected entry.

c) Jumping from the record tab via the context menu*

If you want to translate record tab entries, as in the case of dunning levels, you can take the following steps:

  1. Go to the record tab at the bottom of the page, e.g., “Level” for the dunning levels in the window of the respective dunning type, and select the line you want to translate.
  2. Use the context menu to switch into the corresponding translation window, e.g., . Here you will now see a list of all translation entries for the selected entry.

Add translations

  1. Open the entry of the language into which you want to translate, e.g., “Deutsch (DE)”.
  2. Replace the existing Name with your translation.

    Note: This step does not apply to “Dunning Level”.

  3. If applicable: Replace the existing Print Name with your translation.

    Note: This step applies to “Document Type” and “Dunning Level”.

  4. If applicable: In the field Name on Invoice, enter the name that shall appear on the invoice.

    Note: This step only applies to “Payment Term”.

  5. Tick the checkbox Translated.
  6. metasfresh saves the progress automatically.

General Note:
In principle, the changes in the field Name affect both internal and external data. This means, depending on the language setting of the user interface or the business partner’s language, the Name will be displayed or printed on the documents in the respective language. Exceptions are, however, the data entries of the menu items “Document Type” and “Dunning Level”.
Regarding “Document Type”, the field Name merely determines the internal representation of the data entry. The external representation can be maintained through the additional field Print Name, as is also the case with “Dunning Level”. The internally used name of the dunning level, however, can only be maintained in the respective dunning type entry.


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